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Roasted Chicken Breast
is a double roasted chicken breast or crown recipe. The crown being the
two breasts together with the main bone still in.
It's a great way to cook chicken because when you cook a whole bird
there's aways the problem of the breasts cooking before the legs are
ready, and so ending up with either a dry breast or an uncooked leg.
The Mediterranean stuffing goes perfectly with the crispy skin and
moist tender meat.
Also, by placing the stuffing under the skin you get a self basting
bird that needs no attention at all.
Another great Mediterranean
Diet recipe.
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Roasted Chicken Breast
Recipe - Mediterranean Stuffing
Chicken Breast - Crown Recipe Ingredients
For Two People
- 1
Good sized chicken crown - about 1kilo/2.2lbs bone in and skin on - ask
your butcher.
- 1 Lemon cut in half.
the stuffing:
- 1/2 A medium onion -finely chopped.
- 2 fat cloves of garlic, crushed
- Extra virgin olive oil
- 1/2 a red bell pepper - finely chopped.
- Half a dozen good sized mushrooms chopped.
- A little tomato puré to bind.
- A small bunch of fresh coriander -
- 1 Tsp dried Oregano.
- Salt and black pepper to taste
- Olive oil to fry.
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Roasted Chicken Breast -
Crown Method
- Really simple - place all your stuffing
ingredients minus the tomato puré in pan with about a tbls. of good
quality olive oil.
- Cook on a medium heat until all is soft and
cooked through - about 15 minutes.
- Take it out of the pan and leave it somewhere
to cool.
- Meanwhile - starting at the back - squeeze your
hand under the skin and loosen as much as possible while leaving the
ends attached.
- Now spoon the cooled stuffing into the cavity -
see pic 1. above.
- Season on both sides with salt and pepper.
- Now place it in a medium oven 180ºc/350ºf for
30 - 40 minutes until cooked through.
- And That's it - Serve with the lemon halves.

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