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of Lamb

Spiced and Baked Lamb
Shoulder of lamb can be dodgy,
and by that I
mean that you never know
how fatty it's going to be.
With this healthy cooking method you can get rid of almost all the fat
and leave yourself with the spicy, tender, succulent lamb meat and the
baked carrots and potatoes in a rich red wine and onion sauce.
It's easy to prepare and looks, smells and tastes just great.
Just follow the clear and easy, step-by-step instructions below to
produce superb results every time.
Shoulder of Lamb
Ingredients for four People
- One shoulder of Lamb about
2k/4.4lb. bone in
- Two Large onions - sliced
- Six cloves of garlic - whole, skin off
- Twelve small potatoes
- Eight medium carrots - scraped but left whole
- About half a bottle of good red wine
- Olive oil to brown the meat
- One teaspoon of cornflour (cornstarch) slaked -
to thicken the sauce
- A large roasting tin
- A large casserole dish or tagine
- One tablespoon of cumin seeds
- Two teaspoons of coriander seeds
- Two small dried cayenne peppers or chillis
- One piece of star anise
- One teaspoon of salt
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- O.K. First prepare the spices - dry fry them
all in a pan over a medium heat - until golden and aromatic.
- Then
grind them to powder in a pestle and
mortar and pass through a seive. Or it's very easy to whizz them up in
a coffee grinder.
- Rub
the mixture well well into the meat and
leave for an hour to rest.
- Brown the meat all over in the olive oil.
- Place the carrots, garlic and potatoes in the
bottom of a large roasting tin with the
sliced onions in the middle.
- Place the meat on top of the onions.
- Pour in the wine and cover with some aluminium
foil, making sure to get a good seal.
- Bake in a hot oven 400ºf/200ºc. for
thirty minutes.
- Now turn down the heat to 350ºf/180ºc. and cook
for a further hour.
- Remove
the meat, carrots, potatoes and garlic
from the liquid and place into a serving casserole or tagine.
- Put
the casserole back into the oven at
400ºc/200ºf for ten minutes while you make the sauce.
- To make the sauce - first skim all the fat off
the surface of the liquid and discard.
- Pour all the juices and the
onions into a pan - bring to the boil and thicken to the approiate
consistency with the corn flour and water mixture.
- Now - bring the casserole out of the oven -
pour over the sauce and serve.
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