Chili Oil Recipe Chili Oil - Ingredients for a 250ml Bottle You'll need a 250ml/8.45 fl oz bottle with sealable top. * 250ml/1 cup of extra virgin olive oil. * 6 - 8 Dried chillis roughly bashed. * 3 Cloves of garlic halved lengthways. * 2 or 3 bayleaves. * 1 tsp. of Cumin seeds. * 1 tsp. of coriander seeds. * A 2" stick of cinammon. Method 1. First sterilize your bottle by placing in a pan of boiling water for 5 minutes. 2. Then leave it to drain until completely dry inside and out. 3. Put all the spices into a pan with the olive oil and bring to the boil. 4. Once boiled - remove from the heat and allow the infusion to cool to room temperature. 5. Now - pour it into the bottle, making sure to spoon in all the spices - you will find it easier to use a Funnel. 6. Leave for a couple of days - shaking vigorously each day and then you're ready to use it.